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23 February 2019

Vault and EnvConsul

by Allen Plummer


I was wanting to know how envconsul worked with Vault. So - this tutorial was born out of frustrations with some of the internet tutorials being related to Consul (as a backing), or just too complicated in general.

As it turns out - envconsul works great with Vault, with no need for extravagant infrastucture stood up to prove the concept. There’s no need for a Consul cluster.

Below is the README from my git repo.

NOTE: Much of this is taken from https://testdriven.io/blog/managing-secrets-with-vault-and-consul/ and https://github.com/hashicorp/envconsul.

Note: When seeing a prompt, $ is understood to be the host system, # is understood to be executed from a container.

Introduction & Concepts

This tuturial will have several outcomes:

1) You will see how envconsul interacts between Vault and a running app that requires environment variables containing secrets.

2) You will be exposed to concepts such as Vault initialization, unsealing, ACL additions, secrets concepts, and token authentication.

3) You will have two running containers - one running Vault, one running envconsul with a test script. These containers will be orchestrated and run by docker-compose.

4) The Vault file store will be stored in a directory on the host machine, to prevent data loss of secrets.

5) You will see secrets that originate with Vault being passed to a child process using envconsul.

To run from the repos

1) Get your IP loaded up in env file.

2) The command $ docker-compose up -d --build will build and run the containers.

3) You’ll then want to ensure that Vault is init’d and unsealed, configured as instructed below.

4) You’ll need to change the docker-compose.yml file to include the generated Vault token for your app (not the root token). This will be in the VAULT_TOKEN environment variable.

5) You can then execute docker-compose exec envconsul envconsul -upcase -config=/envconsul/config.json testapp.sh, or simply env at the end (instead of testapp.sh).

Manual Project Setup for this tutorial


EnvConsul Setup

TODO: Add contents of Dockerfile for EnvConsul, see repo.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cat <<EOT
My gmailcreds read from Vault are:
user    : "${USER}"
password: "${PASSWORD}"
HOST_IP=<your host dev local IP>
    "secret": {
        "no_prefix": true,
        "path": "secret/homestuff/gmailcreds"


secret {
    no_prefix = true
    path = "secret/homestuff/gmailcreds"

Vault Setup

TODO: contents of Dockerfile for vault, see repo.
    "backend": {
      "file": {
        "path": "vault/data"
    "listener": {
        "address": "",
        "tls_disable": 1
    "ui": true

Docker Compose Setup

TODO: contents of docker-compose.yml, see repo.

Init vault (initial setup)

NOTE: Jump into the container $ docker-compose exec vault bash, or simply run the command from the host with the preface $ docker-compose exec vault <container command>. You cannot run the ‘init’ operation from outside the container.

Unseal Key 1: 8K4VSJeCVqJjHMWZdgnlwP7e+XR5/KvsKQs6zLVIarnx
Unseal Key 2: hRgnS3GW3LFz72pis/nJc/gCDNcIvuFgTqZd7KvV4CEc
Unseal Key 3: U9EuA5FT9y1hdf6ts976MjmwNAl4bXQHNEzgbHckqbWC
Unseal Key 4: s4fUmmlutVVOGoHH3Kj0/VnBXNl3k3UV9quM+/nQ7C+B
Unseal Key 5: vtTGJybCc8j/MQgbDa6GtpBVexXgg7wsQMrHuifcg3xB

Initial Root Token: 8426d664-54fe-29ed-617d-574635a9e5ce

Get secrets installed/verified

====== Data ======
Key         Value
---         -----
password    supersecret
user        bogus@gmail.com

Setup policy & create token for app to use

Key                  Value
---                  -----
token                88503e0c-d3ca-e344-fd24-57fab7a31f49
token_accessor       6aacdb75-2211-c9bb-215c-fe3bcee7d097
token_duration       768h
token_renewable      true
token_policies       ["default" "gmailcreds_acl"]
identity_policies    []
policies             ["default" "gmailcreds_acl"]

Test the token:

curl -H "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" -X GET

The output:

    "request_id": "26dee453-aa45-6766-7889-0178e3c3c9f7",
    "lease_id": "",
    "renewable": false,
    "lease_duration": 2764800,
    "data": {
        "password": "supersecret",
        "user": "bogus@gmail.com"
    "wrap_info": null,
    "warnings": null,
    "auth": null

Execute final test

Your output should look like this:

2019/02/23 19:21:55.512496 looking at vault secret/homestuff/gmailcreds
My gmailcreds read from Vault are:
user    : "bogus@gmail.com"
password: "supersecret"
tags: vault - docker - envconsul